Public Comment
20200708 1955 R. Silverstein HC Letter to Garcetti Feuer and O Farrell re suppressed CGS document.pdf
20200708 The Silverstein Law Firm_Demand for Inclusion.pdf
20200710 1650 M. Shaner NO ON HCP.pdf
20200728 2003 V. Lebron The Silverstein Law Firm Further Obj. to HCP and EIR.pdf
20200728 The Silverstein Law Firm_Further Objections to HCP and EIR.pdf
20200729 1321 S. Atmatattwananda PROJECT CASE NUMBER ENV_2078_206_EIR.pdf
20200729 1330 S. Atmatattwananda PROJECT CASE NUMBER ENV_2078_206_EIR.pdf
20200731 1104 K. Beyda The HC Towers.pdf
20200731 1138 K. Beyda The HC Towers.pdf
20200731 1205 K. Beyda The HC Towers.pdf
20200803 0835 K. Beyda The HC Towers.pdf
20200803 2148 Alek HCP - CEQA No. ENV-2018-2116-EIR.pdf
20200805 1227 K. Haupt Notice of Public Hearing for the HCP.pdf
20200805 1834 D. Trainer OPPOSED.pdf
20200806 1507 S. Feinman Millennium Project.pdf
20200806 1659 V. Lebron The Silverstein Law Firm RT Cancel Hearing for HCP.pdf
20200807 2117 S. Lichtman ignoring relevant geological data.pdf
20200811 1123 J. Van Dusen 2020810 RF extension of time for HCP.pdf
20200811 1638 J. Bird HCP.pdf
20200812 1202 L. Fletcher HCP.pdf
20200812 1356 L. Fletcher HCP.pdf
20200812 1734 J. Van Dusen Notice of Public Hearing for the HCP.pdf
20200818 1719 T. Meredith 1600 VINE - HC.pdf
20200819 1433 K. Beyda The HC.pdf
20200819 1651 E. Howard Councilmember Ryu s Position on the HCP.pdf
20200819 1930 A. Friedrich HCP.pdf
20200819 2126 K. Beyda The HC.pdf
20200820 1458 J. Moghavem Support For HCP.pdf
20200823 1020 L. Kodmur support for HC.pdf
20200823 1311 S. Harmon HCP.pdf
20200824 1407 M. Dodge Irregularities in HC EIR process.pdf
20200824 1643 J. Bowman HC (Case Nos. VTT-82152...pdf
20200824 1714 D. Lea Weiss Reminder - Joint Public Hearing for the HCP August 26 2020.pdf
20200824 1751 D. Lea Weiss Reminder - HCP - Letter resent.pdf
20200824 1840 J. Trent HCP opposition.pdf
20200824 McQuiston Associates Statement on HCP.pdf
20200825 0812 J. Trent HCP opposition.pdf
20200825 1911 N. Tennant Reminder - Joint Public Hearing for the HCP August 26 2020.pdf
20200825 1942 M. Jackson Letter of objection Millennium HCP Aug 26 2020 hearing.pdf
20200825 2254 M. Jackson Correction to Letter of opposition to VTT-82152...pdf
20200825 Silverstein Law Firm_PRA Request
20200826 0954 S. Mullins HCP Planning Commission.pdf
20200826 0957 V. Lebron The Silverstein Law Firm August 26, 2020 Hearing Public Rights Violations HCP....pdf
20200826 1047 G. Smith The Montalban - Support Letter for HCP.pdf.pdf
20200826 1321 S. McBride HCP.pdf
20200826 1323 L. Fletcher HCP.pdf
20200826 1521 TurtleTracks Millennium hearing today - Mindys closing comment.pdf
20200826 1651 N. M my phone cut me off today Re HCP August 26 2020.pdf
20200826 1808 S. McBride HCP.pdf
20200827 0558 S. Orris SAVE HOLLYWOOD
20200827 1025 K. Haupt - Joint Public Hearing for the HCP August 26 2020
20200827 1147 G.C. Walch Hollywood project
20200827 1201 N G Thanks End of msg Re_ my phone cut me off today ReHCP August 26 2020
20200827 1452 K. Beyda Thank you
20200827 1608 P. Clay Our opposition to proposed HCP (formerly Millennium)
20200828 1711 P. Clay Our opposition to proposed HCP (formerly Millennium)
20200831 0921 slow steady HCP
20200831 1041 J. Bowman HCP
20200831 1112 slow steady HCP (an added note)
20200901 1701 R. Sydnor HC Case ENV-2018.2116-EIR and SCH 2018-05102
20200902 1537 Turtle Tracks Millennium hearing today - Mindys closing comment
20200902 1547 Turtle Tracks Millennium hearing today - Mindys closing comment
20200902 1918 R. Silverstein The Silverstein Law Firm _ Further Objections to the HCP..
20200902 1951 R. Silverstein The Silverstein Law Firm _ Demand for Immediate Inclusion of Documents..
20200907 1539 J. Salzmann More Public Comments Not Included in Record; CASE Millenniums illegal..
20200907 1627 J. Salzmann More misrepresentations of the record in Milleniums illegal project
20200908 1016 S. Millman attachment
20200911 1355 A. Peterson HC - Please include this letter and attachment into the AR..
20200911 1547 V. Lebron The Silverstein Law Firm Demand for New Advisory Agency Public Hearing re HC...
20200913 1332 K. Beyda EIR
20200914 0923 K. Beyda EIR
20200914 1240 A. Peterson 3ed email HC - Please include this letter and attachment into the AR..
20200916 1002 A. Peterson 4th email HC - Please include this letter and attachment into the AR..
20200918 1234 J. Given LOD for HCP Vesting Tentative Tract No. 82152
20200918 1621 V. Lebron The Silverstein Law Firm Objections to LOD for HCP..
20200920 1331 J. Van Dusen Hollywood United Neighborhood Councils HCP Motion..
20200921 1010 A. Peterson 5th email HC - Please include this letter and attachment into the AR..
20200922 1012 TurtleTracks Broken Links
20200923 1234 J. Given Comment Period Extension for DEIR..
20200923 1605 V. Lebron The Silverstein Law Firm Response to 9.14.2020 Letter re HCP..
20200924 1506 Hollywood Law HC _ FEIR _ Concerns - Please include this email with attachment in the AR
20200924 1507 S. Schwartz LOD for HCP Vesting..Tract No. 82152
20200926 0944 SlowandSteady Millenniums New Illegal Project - Please include this Attach in the AR
20200930 1655 V. Lebron The Silverstein Law Firm CPRAR re HCP Case Nos. ENV-2018-2116-EIR...
20201002 1825 V. Lebron The Silverstein Law Firm Objections to Delays of Production...
20201003 1502 Phoenix HC comments question and appeals filed
20201005 1034 E. Khalatian HCP VTT-82152 CPC-2018-2114-DB-CU-MCUP-SPR CPC-2018-2115-DA and ENV-2018-2116-EIR
20201005 1549 A. Kornarens Appeal of the VTT Map No. VTT-82152
20201005 1616 A. Kornarens Appeal of the VTT Map No. VTT-82152
20201005 1631 V. Lebron The Silverstein Law Firm Comments and Objections
20201006 0838 A. Kornarens Appeal of the VTT Map No. VTT-82152 for the HCP
20201007 0954 Phoenix HC emails
20201008 1447 E. Beecher NOPH for the HCP... (redacted)
20201008 1642 E. Beecher NOPH for the HCP... (redacted)
20201009 1732 T. Kagan-Abrams CPC Support for HCP
20201012 1033 D. Carrera CPC-2018-2114-DB-CU-MCUP-SPR HC
20201012 1412 Jennifer Letter to City PC re Millennium HCP VTT-82152..
20201012 1544 J. Bowman HC (Case Nos. VTT-82152-1A..
20201012 1604 C. Bullock HC
20201012 1639 M. Martin HCP
20201012 1709 E. Khalatian HC
20201012 1831 A. Kornarens Further Submission Of Vedanta Society Of Southern CA ISO Appeal of the Vesting..
20201012 1930 A. Kornarens Vedanta Society Of Southern California Appeal of the VTTM...
20201013 0741 Jennifer Letter to City PC re Millennium HCP VTT-82152..
20201013 0817 Jennifer Letter to City PC re Millennium HCP VTT-82152..
20201013 0828 Jennifer Letter to City PC re Millennium HCP VTT-82152..
20201013 0851 Phoenix Submission to the CPC for 10-15-2020 Hearing...
20201013 0900 Jennifer Letter to City PC re Millennium HCP VTT-82152..
20201013 0922 V. Lebron The Silverstein Law Firm Further Comments and Objections to CPC for HCP...
20201013 1009 N. Herman Case Number ENV-2018-2116-EIR
20201013 1023 N. Herman Case Number ENV-2018-2116-EIR
20201013 1222 J. McQuiston Correspondence from Jim McQuiston
20201013 1230 G. Garcia Submission to CPC
20201013 1302 Jennifer Letter to CPC re Millennium HCP...
20201013 1611 E. Riordan MILLENNIUM E-MAIL...
20201013 1647 M. Balbontin HC support letter
20201013 1735 B. Miller MHC Team says Thurs. PCH has been postponed
20201013 1821 S. Johnson RF Continuance of the HCP CPC Meeting
20201014 0656 E. Vinitsky RF Continuance of the HCP CPC Meeting
20201014 1022 D. Weiss RF Continuance of the HCP - 10.15.2020 CPC Meeting
20201020 1515 F. Rappaport The Millennium Hollywood Project
20201031 1249 R. De We demand trenching of the proposed Hollywood Center site
20201031 1542 E. Lareau Hollywood Center site MIllenium Hollywood
20201031 1807 A. Lyras Hollywood Center
20201031 2105 J. and E. Goodwin The Millennium Hollywood
20201031 2208 T. Gerger Hollywood Center Project
20201101 0647 S. and R. Patron Earthquake safety must be insured for Millennium project
20201102 0954 B. Johnson Millennium Hollywood
20201102 1500 B. Johnson Millennium Hollywood
20201102 1502 F. Rappaport The Millennium Hollywood Project
20201102 1507 A. Lyras Hollywood Center
20201111 1514 K. Beyda The Hollywood Center
20201111 1816 K. Beyda The Hollywood Center
20201127 0848 D.L. Weiss Honest Earthquake Fault Trenching
20201128 1217 M. Andreas The Hollywood Center Project
20201128 1539 S. Gasche Millennium project
20201129 0947 N. Revere Millennium project
20201129 1214 J. Karp Stop this Disaster from Happening
20201130 1228 Daniel Please Stop the Millennium development